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Don't wanna pay in Full ?? Try Subscription format ;

image describing pricing structure of the services provided by ssp freelancer

For a program costing INR 2000:

  • Basic Plan: INR 300 monthly fee &     free monthly credits worth INR 100

  • Standard Plan: INR 400 monthly fee &  free monthly credits worth INR 200

  • Premium Plan: INR 500 monthly fee & free monthly credits worth INR 300

Why Subscribe?

  • Cost Efficiency : Start with a lower initial investment and pay as you go.

  • Flexibility : Make ongoing adjustments to your scripts without extra upfront costs.

  • Free Credits : You get additional free credits each month, which you can utilize to add additional features/parameters to your existing programs.

  • Rolling Credits : Unused credits will roll over, ensuring you get the most value each month.

Key Notes:

  • Under our subscription model, you will receive a private link to the indicator program, hosted on TradingView’s cloud. This link grants exclusive access only to users possessing it.

  • All program features will be fully accessible, with the exception that the source code will remain hidden.

  • Free credits will only be available from the next month-cycle i.e. 30 days after the order date.

  • An additional service fee of INR 50 per month is applicable. This fee is considered a discount as long as you remain subscribed.

  • Should you wish to purchase the full source code and discontinue the subscription model, you can do so by paying the remaining balance of the program’s total cost, along with the monthly subscription service fee of INR 50, applicable for a maximum of 10 months.

                                   Cost Breakdown for Subscription Model (basic plan)

For a program Costing INR 2000 :

if wish to purchase full-code at end of '5th month' of subscription (basic plan)
you would have paid around 1500 (300 x 5months)
so you will have to now pay only the balance w.r.t. to the total actual cost (of 2000) i.e. INR 500 (actual cost 2000 - 1500 subscription fee)
addition to this, you will also have to pay INR 50 (flat service fee) for the '5 months' of subscription i.e. 250 (50 x 5 months)
So in total, you will have to pay 500 + 250 (i.e. balance payment + subscription service fee) = 750

so your effective Program cost would come to = INR 2250 (2000 actual cost + 250 subscription service fee)

That's not it !!...  Here's the Best Part !
Had you used your free credits for the last '4 months' of worth INR 400 (100 x 4months)

your actual effective cost would have been = INR 1850 (2250 - 400)


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